Gate To Ukraine is a 501(c)3 non-profit in the US and a registered charitable organization in Ukraine. The organization was founded for the purpose of allowing anyone to Help Ukrainian Families Directly. Millions of families have had their life destroyed by the war and many are displaced, unemployed, and beyond the reach of humanitarian resources. Sponsoring a family is often the difference between them starving or eating, between them being able to move away from areas of active conflict or be forced stay behind and risk their lives. It’s difficult to comprehend the pain these families are going through every day and impossible to watch their stories without getting emotional. Despite their tragic circumstances, their incredible perseverance, resolve, and endless passion for Ukrainian freedom and independence is what keeps us working hard to help as many families as we can.

“The people of Ukraine are not only fighting for their life and their freedom, but for a choice between brutality and civilization. Do we choose to go back to the dark ages or to continue building a better world for all? They are fighting for humanity, for the future of the world.”

Campaign coordinator
“With the beginning of the full-scale war, I am doing everything to help my family. Now my family is every Ukrainian.”

Content manager, translator
“This terrible war is taking away the most valuable thing – our people! The best thing we can do for our country is to be here and now! To support our country! Everyone is important and everyone is in their place! Let’s be strong! Goodness and light will win!”

Ivan Frolov
“Coding with purpose to support those who need it most.”