Yuliya Tyshchenko from Staryi Bilous
Good day! My name is Yuliya. Ryta is 10 years old. Java is 5 years old. We live in a village in the Chernihiv region. Before the war, I worked as a mathematics teacher. On February 24, we planned to go to work, the children had to go to kindergarten and school. On this terrible day, at 5 in the morning, the war began for us. Powerful explosions were heard, and the alarm went off. On this day, of course, we stayed at home, the most terrible weeks of our lives began for us. We spent these 2 weeks in the basement of our house, where we were without light and heat. The children were very scared, they were afraid to leave the basement. The scariest moment since the beginning of the war was when a neighboring house caught fire due to shelling. There was a woman there, she needed to be rescued, but shelling prevented her from doing so. On March 7, my family managed to leave under shelling. We left for safer territory in good time, because the next day, March 8, a russian projectile flew into our house. The house is damaged, we are repairing it ourselves. The state does not help us in this. Now we do not live in the occupied territory, we live with relatives. We come here to repair the house because no one will do it for us. We do not receive state benefits. We did not receive monetary or humanitarian aid from UNICEF and the Red Cross. Most of all, we need funds to restore the house, there is a catastrophic lack of money for this. I am most afraid of living in a country other than my own, or in a country that will be occupied. I afraid for my children. But I believe that Ukraine will win, and children will live in an independent, prosperous country Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Ukraine will win