Yuliya Dakalova from Pryluky
Hello! My name is Yuliya. I ask for your help. When the war came to our town, it was hard for us to believe. At 7 am I turned on the news and at first thought, it was a fake. The worst thing was when I realized that my children had nothing to eat. I don’t know how to explain it to them. We were heard “eat when the war is over”. Let the war end. May there be peace. Before the war, I worked as a hairdresser. I am currently leaving my job. Now people do not really need hairstyles. Children are still afraid of the sound of sirens. My son is almost two years old, but he climbs under the bed from these sounds, hides, and cries. I can’t calm him down. Mykyta is a younger son, he is 8 months old. Yegor is the eldest son, he is almost 2 years old. We do not receive social benefits due to technical problems. UNICEF did not approve my application for assistance because I have only 2 children. Other organizations did not respond either. What I want most is for my children not to be hungry and for no war in the world to prevent my children from growing in happiness, harmony, and peace in our Ukraine. I am one hundred percent sure that Ukraine will be a bright independent country, the happiest country with the best people, as it was before the war. I am afraid to wake up and realize that this war has taken away my future, my children. Then I will lose the meaning of life. I want the whole world to understand that Ukraine is now fighting for the whole world, not just for us. We are all people of this planet. We will definitely win for the bright future of our children. Glory to Ukraine!