Yuliya Demyanova from Nikopol

$100 of $100 raised

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Donation Total: $100

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 28 years old. We are from the city of Nikopol. Currently, we live in the village of Dmytrivka, as we are IDPs.

Our city has been under shelling for two years now. We cannot return home. I have two children, 2 boys, one is 4 years old and the other is 6 months old. Currently, we live in the village, renting a house for a lot of money, as for the village. We need money all the time to pay the rent, to pay for utilities. Water is very expensive here.

I will also spend the money provided by the foundation on winter clothes for the children, baby food for cereals, and maybe some toys and diapers. Also on renting a house.

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Donation Total: $100
