Yuliya Khaver from Kherson
Now I’m live in Lviv. Thank’s so much all people in view who can give help they give room for us. We live in one room and this is best what we have for this time. Before I’m live in a beautiful city Kherson. We was have all! I was working in a restaurant. My child was go to school.
russia take our city on first day of March. It was a start of war.
We were like in a prison. Everything stopped, all life in the city stopped. Chernobayivka airport is next to us. Many people on TV were smiling and rejoicing when the Russians came there and our armed forces killed them 10, 15 times at this airport, but no one can imagine how we lived near this airport. Now we live in silence, sometimes we have air raids, we go to the basements.
Now I dream of having my own house to live in, I’m not talking about buying, I’m talking about renting and buying food for my children.
Now my older and younger brothers are at war…
I believe in freedom and the end of the war with the victory of Ukraine! Because this is my country! My beautiful country and no one can take it away! I believe in Ukraine and prosperity for all!
Russia is a terrorist country!