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Logan Everett

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stay strong ....from canada !!

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Alain Cloutier

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heidi snowdon

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Valentyna Meshiy from Stara Hnylytsya

$100 of $100 raised

The war came to us suddenly. In the morning I woke up to the sound of explosions, scared, and ran out into the street. Then I was told that the war had begun. I was scared to leave the child alone, we were constantly in anticipation of something bad. The movement of military equipment, vibrating glass, moving tanks. It was very scary. The worst moment was when there were two air strikes near our house. The first air strike came when my child was sitting by the window. The child did not understand what had happened. I was afraid he had lost his hearing. But, fortunately, all is well, the son is too little to understand anything. The other horrible moment was when the second air strike occurred at 2 am. The glass from the windows flew at our heads.

My kid was sleeping. He heard nothing. I did not know what happened to my son, or whether he was alive at all. We now live in the Chernihiv region with our relatives. My son’s name is Roman, he is 1 year and 10 months old. We received a food kit from the Red Cross. There were also diapers. We need clothes because we fled the town very quickly. We were not ready for the fact that we would have to leave for so long. We need summer clothes and food. My relative is retired. I can’t go to work because the child is small. I’m scared for the baby. My son is just as scared and doesn’t let go of me. I can’t get a job. I would like our children to live in our independent, flourishing country. We will raise it up with our strength so that our children can live in a happy country. I am most afraid of losing my relatives. Thank you for your attention.

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Donation Total: $100