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stay strong ....from canada !!

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Alain Cloutier

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Valentyna Savchuk from Lazurne

$100 of $100 raised

Good day! I am from Ukraine, the Kherson region, the town of Lazurne. I lived there with my daughter and grandfather. Grandfather will be 86 years old this year, he has already survived one war. The daughter is 7 years old. I well remember how tanks entered our village, there was a lot of artillery and soldiers. The most frightening thing was to watch how they went around the houses, how they pulled people out of the houses, and how they mocked these people. It was scary to leave. I had a job before the war. We lived near the sea. My child is scared, she doesn’t want to see war again, she doesn’t want the war to ever happen again. My daughter’s name is Sofiya. I saw a lot during the occupation. There was not enough medicine or food, we were constantly humiliated. I do not receive state benefits. All my documents were burned in the Kherson region. I am a mother with a child, I do not receive assistance. Grandfather’s pension is enough only for medicine and diapers for adults for him. I did not receive help from the Red Cross, because they do not have an online office where I could contact them. I did not receive help from UNICEF because I have only 1 child. Most of all, help is needed for medicine for my grandfather, I want him to live. I want my child to study, to have notebooks, books, and clothes. We left everything there, even her favorite toys, we could only take one. I want the world to know that war is going on. All our cities are being bombed. We suffer every day. The war continues. I will be glad if you hear me. I am asking the whole world to help Ukraine. Thank you.

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Donation Total: $100