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stay strong ....from canada !!

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Tetyana Kopach from Mykolayiv

$100 of $100 raised

Good day! We are an ordinary family from the Mykolayiv region, we live in the village. We did not go anywhere, because there is no house and there are no funds for it. Until March 21, we lived without gas, electricity, and water, without communication. The most terrible day is March 7. We didn’t even have time to escape to the shelter. I have 3 children. The eldest son finished the 11th grade, the middle 5th grade, and the youngest son went to kindergarten. We lived like everyone else, tried hard, worked, made repairs, and made plans for the future. After all this, our world changed for us. I hope it ends soon. We believe in Ukraine. Our people have become more united, everyone helps each other. We have all changed. We began to appreciate hot water, a hot lunch, and peaceful, quiet sleep. We forgot what it was, but I hope that will change soon. I did not receive help from either the Red Cross or UNICEF. Humanitarian aid was brought to our village. Due to this, at the beginning of the war, we held on, and I am grateful to these people. We did not receive financial aid. I receive social benefits as a mother of many children at 2100 UAH. We try to keep the children away. There are few children on the street, many have left. But when it’s quiet, we try to take the children out, but not far from the basement.

Very scary time. We hope for the best. We believe that Ukraine will be Ukraine and that peace will come soon. I am grateful to everyone who supports us in difficult times with humanitarian aid and simply by word or deed and grateful to people who respond to our request. On March 7, we were heavily shelled and our kitchen was damaged. It is necessary to replace the window at least.

Thank you for your work. I read many reviews. Thank you for your help. Thank you.


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Donation Total: $100