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stay strong ....from canada !!

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Ruslana Dementova from Sumy

$100 of $100 raised

Good day! I am from Sumy. My name is Ruslana Dementova, this is my daughter Angelina, she is 3 years old, this is my niece Mariya, we live in the city of Sumy. Since the beginning of the war, we have not gone anywhere. The worst thing was when we heard an explosion around 5 am. The siren was blaring. My daughter is still afraid of the siren. I want Ukraine to win.
I received nothing from Unicef. I received help from the Red Cross. I also receive social benefits from the state, but it is not enough. I am 6 months pregnant. I live without a husband. There are three of us – me, my daughter, and my niece. My father is ill, he cannot look after my niece, so I look after her. I rent an apartment in the city of Sumy. The rent costs UAH 1000. Help, please.

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Donation Total: $100