Olena Mishkovska from Pokrovsk
Hello, my name is Olena. Until February 24, 22 I lived with my family in the small village of Zelene, Pokrovsk district, Donetsk region. Unfortunately, after the full-scale invasion, I, together with my child Roman, who is 4 years old, was forced to leave our home for the city of Zaporizhzhia, where we are now. I rent an apartment and receive state benefits because I have a small child, I, unfortunately, cannot go to work, but we manage thanks to the help of relatives, and friends. Until February 24, we lived peacefully, we were not afraid of anything, but then when the war started, a war in our country, we did not dare to leave our home for a long time, but on April 2 we decided to move to Zaporizhzhya because the child hears and sees all this, thank God our district was not occupied by the russian military. We dream that the world will hear and help us and in the near future we will celebrate our victory. We hope that our homes will survive and we will have a place to return to. Our family needs help because it’s so difficult to pay for utilities and rent, and to dress my child because he is growing quickly. He needs seasonal clothes and seasonal shoes. We would be very grateful if you could help us; it is very difficult for us. We hope very much that we will eventually win. This nightmare will end and we will all come home and all the boys will come home alive. Glory to Ukraine!