Oleksandra Serdyuchenko from Kharkiv

$100 of $100 raised

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Donation Total: $100

Hello! My name is Oleksandra. We ask for your help. On February 24, at 5:30 in the morning, I woke up from terrible explosions. At first, we didn’t understand what it was. Then, when I realized that it was a war, I packed my things. Then I was 7 months pregnant. I evacuated to the city of Poltava. My life changed a lot after February 24. I left everything – my home, my property. I ran outside in a suit and boots. I thought only about saving myself and my child. The scariest part of that day was the realization that we would all die and I wouldn’t be able to carry the baby to term or I would give birth in a basement under bombing. Before the war, I worked as a salesperson in a store, I was waiting for my daughter and did not know what was coming next. Now we live in the Kharkiv region in the house of my friends, it’s free. We spend a lot of money on food. My daughter is 5 months old. Her name is Alice. I am asking for help from her. I am an adult and somehow I will live. My daughter eats expensive baby food. This food is not available in humanitarian aid, and if it is, it goes to clinics and hospitals. My daughter also needs diapers. I receive social benefits of UAH 860 per child. This is very little money, I can’t live on it with a small child. I received help from the Red Cross. It was a grocery set, I am very grateful for it. We need financial help. I ask people not to be silent. The city of Kharkiv is bombarded with rockets every day, and people die. It’s painful to watch. Sometimes we are afraid to even go outside with the child. I fear winter the most because I don’t know what’s next. I want my baby to have food and diapers. That’s why I’m asking for your help.

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Donation Total: $100