Mariya Borysova from Kyiv
Good day! My name is Mariya Borysova. I live in Kyiv now. In 2014, my family moved from the city of Donetsk to Kyiv. We have 3 children and 3 sons. When my youngest son was 1.5 years old, I got breast cancer. I am still sick and need constant treatment. The medicine I need is not provided by the state for free, I buy it at my own expense. The cost of the medicine for 4 weeks is UAH 82,000. On February 24, 2022, we were at home in Kyiv, we heard explosions and decided to go to the Vinnytsya region to our relatives. We lived there for 3 months. After the Kyiv region was liberated from the occupiers, we returned home so that my husband could work and we had money to live on. I receive a disability pension. I am a group 2 disabled person. We receive social benefits from the state. I received no help from UNICEF. I received help from the UN. Now I need to buy medicine for the next month so as not to interrupt the treatment. Thank you.