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Logan Everett

More soon to come

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stay strong ....from canada !!

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Alain Cloutier

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Iryna Berezhna from Myrnohrad

$100 of $100 raised

Hello! My name is Iryna. I am 31 years old, I am a mother of 4 children. We are immigrants from the Donetsk region. Now we live near the city of Dnipro. I worked as a veterinarian before the war. Our life has changed for the worse. We dropped everything, we left our home. Our house no longer exists, it was destroyed. We took only children, some things, and documents. The children reacted badly, they were scared, and they cried. Overnight in the basement. Air alarms, rockets, explosions. This is very scary. My children are 10 years old, 5 years old, 1 year old, and 3 months old. I had a cesarean section. We pay for utilities. The house is heated by an oven, I need to buy coal and firewood. We did not receive humanitarian aid from either UNICEF or the Red Cross. We have applied for social benefits from the state, but we have not received help for 3 months. I see the future of Ukraine as bright, I hope that all this will end as it began. Life will not be the same, but this war has taught us a lot. The world needs to hear that it doesn’t have to be this way, children shouldn’t be afraid of sounds, they just have to live. They haven’t seen much yet, and many of them won’t see, unfortunately. Here, where we live now, rockets also often fly and our military often shoots down enemy rockets, kudos to them for that. My biggest fear is that I will not have time to hide my children and something will happen to them, and I will remain alive. This is what I fear the most.

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Donation Total: $100