Hanna Zadorozhnya from Stepne

$100 of $100 raised

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Hello everyone! My name is Hanna. I have 3 children. I would like to tell you about myself and the war. This is the second time this has happened to my children. In 2014, we fled the city of Donetsk. My parents are now in Luhansk. We are going through this for the second time – for the second time, we are leaving home, our things. We are in a safe place now. We are in the same region but a different village. Our friends sheltered us. We live here for free. Unfortunately, I lost my job. I had to leave to keep my children safe. My children are 15, 13, and 8 years old. For older children, this is double stress, because they remember the war in 2014. The younger child does not remember anything but constantly cries. It is very difficult to remember shelling and explosions. On February 24, we woke up to explosions near the house. There is a military training ground there, there were explosions near the airport. We immediately fled to another part of the town. For 10 days we sat in the basement and almost did not go out. Then we were forced to leave the country for a certain time, but we returned because the house is ours here, everything is ours here. I believe that Ukraine will win, and we will once again become a free and independent country. Thank you all for your help.

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Donation Total: $100
