Anastasiya Bondareva from Mykolayiv
Hello! My name is Anastasiya. We are internally displaced persons from the city of Mykolayiv. Our city is now constantly bombed and shelled with rockets. Many destroyed buildings, many injured and dead people. On the day the war started, we were working. We heard shots and started to wake up the child, to gather. After that, every day we slept dressed, and the child wanted to undress and sleep normally in his bed. I couldn’t allow that, because when the bombing starts, you have to immediately go out into the corridor and run to the bomb shelter. The worst thing was watching these explosions from the 10th floor. There was a fear of not waking up tomorrow. It was very scary. The child was very afraid. We decided to leave. I have a daughter and a husband. Everything was fine with us before the war. The child went to school and engaged in his hobbies – drawing, sculpting, and learning languages. Now we cannot afford all this. We are located in the Odesa region. There are constant alarms here. We rent an apartment and pay utilities. Money is also needed to buy food and hygiene products. The child wakes up at night and says: “Mom, I have dreams that rockets fly and bomb our house and the house of our grandparents.” It is difficult for even an adult to go through, and it is even more difficult for a child. Therefore, we hope for your help, we really need it. I want the whole world to hear that there is a war going on in our country, our people, Ukrainians, and our children are being killed here. All this is happening now. I am very afraid not to return home, I am very scared. It is very difficult for me and I want to go home. A child asks every day: “When will we return home?” He wants his bed and his toys. It is very difficult. We hope for your help. Thank you.